
Hi, my name is Tessa, I’m the owner of The Bee’s Knees. When I had my first daughter in 2005 I needed a change in career and the flexibility of being able to look after her during the day and working in the evening without leaving the house, that’s when I decided to train as a beauty therapist. I had the garage converted into a beauty therapy room and voila I now have another daughter and a thriving little business which I am very proud of.
My main aim at The Bee’s Knees is to make everyone who walks through my door feel relaxed and comfortable. I wanted to appeal to all ages, from the young teenagers who this may be their first experience of having a beauty treatment, professionals and busy parents who work full time and do not have the time to take off during the day, to the more mature clients who just want to have a bit more of a personalised experience from their beauty salon.
As the only therapist at The Bee’s Knees you can be assured that every treatment you receive is a truly personal experience.